Amy Skrocki is a film, documentary and content creator. She has had her video work featured in film festivals, two series on TELUS and content on Youtube. She is currently working on her third docuseries "Crafting a Career in the Arts: The Art of Why."
With her and her husbands YouTube's channel they share advice and tutorials about all things craft and craft business related. To learn more about her work see her website at:
To see their YouTube channel please click here:
Skrocki Photography
Amy Skrocki is an Edmonton based interdisciplinary artist creating imaginative works of art from mixed media digital art, photography, metal, leather, fabrics, papers, and paintings. Full sets are often hand made or created in her small studio. As the depth of her concepts grew Amy begin to hone her photography skillset in order to visually capture her creations coming to life and, thereby, complete the creative circle she envisioned: written story or poem, development and creation of physical pieces, bringing everything to life visually through creative photography, set design and digital art.
Many of her photos are based on the handmade wearable art Amy and her husband create, but she does work with other designers or artisans to create unique photos for their own brands.
To see more of my work please follow this link to my photography page.
Copyright 2018 Amy Skrocki All Rights Reserved