I am going to slowly update this as there are lots of great photos to go through !
Here is a back stage photo taken of everyone who appeared in the show including Tanner as the demon knight and me! This show was by far the toughest to prepare for and even out beat the first time we did a 20 foot booth at the Calgary Comic Expo! We want to thank all the people that helped pull this together starting with Ashley Skrocki MakeUp Artistry (makeup, scheduler, so many other things) & Studio E Photography (fog machine, inspiration, personal cheerleader etc!). Our fantastic back stage dressers and organizers Breanne Marie & Emily and our beautiful models (Lt to Rt): Carra Dawn, Pauline Yee, Listah Mutsaro, Randy Cusack, Samantha Njálsdóttir, Poppy Del, Samantha Adele & Jessica Wright. Our hair dressers from Eveline Charlies Stephanie Herwynen & Karly Shelain Vedan, all the amazing photographers for taking our photos, all our customers who came to the event and supported us, all the volunteers of the show and of course Sandra Fernandes Western Canada Fashion Week for putting on an event that allows us to display our unusual pieces.
I will include the full story line and character descriptions at a later date :) For now here is a little bit about the show and some of our favourite pictures gathered together!
When the lights can be seen, dancing against then evening skyline, the time has come for the quest to begin. When the isle appears from the mists the watery passage way is revealed. When the waters are silent and the day bleeds to dusk her beckoning call can be heard. All those courageous enough to take the voyage will face temptations and dangers both beautiful and horrifying as they seek the Queen of Life. It is said that anyone who unites with this mystical Queen is granted dominion over all living things. Many have travelled these silent waters, climbed the overgrown slopes of the isle and wandered deep in the sprawling forest but none have ever returned. Those who travel without purest intention will surely be lost to temptation and will never see the again the welcoming shores of home. So long as the Queen remains sequestered within the aegis of the grand tree at the forests heart pestilence, plague and death shall encircle humanity. Only through the union of humanity and the pure life force will the darkness lift.
Greg Mottle Photography
Studio E Photography
Amy Skrocki