
My photographs, sets and designs- Pin wheel set.

I recently wrote an article on Bored Panda about the creation of 2 of my photoshoots re-using some of the same elements and showing some of the process photos of creating the shoot. To check out the full article click here. 

Since some of you are already familiar with my work I will just be adding the photos and some brief descriptions! 


The model (Elena Balueva) is wearing fantasy armour made entirely out of leather. It has been hand carved, dyed, sealed and buff to a shine using traditional techniques. The Swarovski beads have been all hand sewn on to the leather. The pinwheels in the background compliment the designs on the mask and corset. The makeup artist (Ashley Skrocki) completed makeup that matched the background.

I designed the backdrop to appear like a large head piece when Elena stood in front of it.

The same pinwheels were used in this photo shoot with hair stylist/ model Karly Vedan. The makeup artist (Ashley Skrocki) incorporated various design elements from the pieces into her work.


This string of paper flowers were all individually hand shaped, arrange, and glue together with a "rivet" on top. 

Tiny flowers were added to the makeup and a paper flower shawl was made for this "scene."

A different view of the paper shawl with some pins I made to match. 


On to some behind the scenes photos, taken with my cell phone, of part of the creation of the pieces the models wore. 

The pinwheels before putting them together for the background. 

Shaping and gluing together the paper flowers

The final paper pieces (the crown I ended up using for a different shoot)

The larger pinwheel with the hand shaped flowers in the centre.

The mask before it was dyed, painted and had all the beads, stones and feathers added. 


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Hello & Welcome to our website! We are a wife and husband artistic team who create magical items with leather, metal and through fine art in our small studio. 

Do you want to see behind the scenes? Hear stories about the pieces and be notified about online sales? Join our mailing list :) 



Six Wings by Skrocki Design   #113, 13651, St Albert Trail, Unit 4, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada   1-780-289-4283