
November 30, 2014


Posted in shield, Templar, Templar cross

The Templar Cross in Paragon of Design by Skrocki's Pieces.

 Handmade templar journal While we have encountered artifacts left by the Knights Templar in many areas and several countries the site in Rakvere, Estonia stood out from the rest. Traveling by bus for approximately an hour and a half from the Estonian capital of Talin we passed through an interesting country side while enroute including some very intriguing circular Viking burial mounds. The site itself was a partially restored fortress a top a large hill in Rakvere which gave it a great vantage point over the City and surrounding area. Within its walls there lay a veritable treasure trove of artifacts and recreations. From armor to swords to jewelry and plague chambers the fortress had some of each and more. Much of the site was poorly restored and difficult to reach but Tanner scaled every available inch of it anyways and collected a great number of photographs on which we would later call for inspiration. While I was inspecting the artifacts in the lower portions of the fortress I would catch glimpses of Tanner two stories above me peaking out of narrow windows are strolling across the walkways between the fortresses towers and snapping innumerable photographs. According to our guide this site was not only once occupied by the Knights Templar but, at a later date, the Teutonic Knights as well making it all the more special of a location.

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Six Wings by Skrocki Design   #113, 13651, St Albert Trail, Unit 4, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada   1-780-289-4283